More About Boxes

Other Ideas for Finding Boxes

This project will not find boxes for everything (YET!). Sometimes you need to search yourself. This site focuses, for now, on boxes to put things away in. Another use case might be to find custom boxes to sell your product in. We currently don't support that.

Boxes for Similar Sized Things
I've had some luck on amazon by thinking of items that might be a similar size to the item I am searching for. For example, if you need a box for something about the size of an external hard disk, you are in luck, there are hundreds of boxes in this size.
Buy Something that Comes with a Box
Many items on amazon have a custom case, like a nail clipper set. These cases are usually quite nice and can sometimes even be cheaper than buying an empty box.
Consider Other Types
There are even things with a range of sizes that are easy to find. If you want a box for a small object, there are so many types and size of Food Storage Containers, that it's worth a try. Food storage containers can be very inexpensive, but there are better quality ones to be had, too. And they amost always have dimensions.
Custom Boxes
If you really need something specific, there are manufacturers that will make custom boxes for you. Some even have very low minimums. Here are a few I found, but have not used yet.


It's also worth mentioning that boxes can be made of anything. Plastics are the most common, but there are many different types of plastic, and many different manufacturing techniques. Here's a site that lists fourteen different box materials. And that's just a start!

Start Finding Your Box