Frequently Asked Questions

Why does this site exist?
It's hard to find boxes by their dimensions.It's even harder to do it for internal dimensions: : "find me a box to fit a 11x10x2 album". We download and analyze product descriptions so you can find the box you want.
How do you make money?
We may get a referral fee if you click on a link, and buy a box you found here. We do not bias our search results by how much we'd make on one sale. We count on accurate result to bring people back.
What is your privacy Policy
We don't track you. Currently, our server logs will save your IP address, but we don't use that for anything. Cloudflare sets a short-lived cookie, __cf_bm, for bot detection.
How many kinds of boxes are there?
There are a ridiculous number of kinds of boxes. When I started, I thought this was a list of box types:
  • Plastic Storage Boxes
  • Plastic Cases
  • Cardboard

But there are so many more. You can divide them by:

  • Material they are made of
  • Shape
  • Intended Use (e.g. mailing)
  • And more!

Here's one new (to me) type of box I found today: Lead Lined Wood Box - Radioactive Materials Storage.

For now, we are starting with plastic boxes and cases, and will grow from there.